Day 7: Party Rockers in the House Tonight

Today was kind of an emotional mixed bag.

I slept really poorly last night, mulling over a conflict with an old friend that’s been really eating me up since yesterday evening. But even though I didn’t get much sleep and I woke up still feeling kinda grumpy and out of sorts, I had a relatively great morning with the kids. Not as enthusiastic as I would have liked, but I didn’t yell or get frustrated despite several opportunities to flip out. We even built an enormous tower with all the Legos — not pictured, because when I went to grab my phone, they destroyed the whole thing. Womp womp. But they had so much fun doing it, I couldn’t even really be annoyed. And they gave me the perfect opportunity to dig all of the Legos out of random hiding places all over the house so we could make the biggest. castle. ever.

My work day moved pretty quickly, spurred on by copious amounts of tea, a delicious strawberry shake, more tuna than I could have eaten in two lunches (so tomorrow’s lunch is ready to go!), and an unexpected visit from Jesse’s aunt and uncle who are in town from Virginia because they are closing next week on a house approximately 4 miles from us. Before I knew it, it was time to get ready for our friends’ wedding.

Photo on 11-8-14 at 12.10 AM

#day7 of #30days of #radicalaccountabiilty complete

Rather inconveniently, I am also completely out of conditioner, and I had just used the last of the soap. I was starting to think pants looked like an appealing option for an afternoon wedding when my eyes landed on the fuzzy outline of the kids’ Mr. Bubble “foam soap,” which is basically overpriced shaving cream with a cartoon character on the can, also known as The Best Part of Bathtime. Don’t you dare tell my kids I used the coveted Mr. Bubble to shave. Especially since I will never, EVER, do that again. Yikes.

Somehow, amid erecting massive Lego towers, attending multiple work meetings, NOT cutting my right leg off, and heading to the ceremony, I managed to process the conflict with my friend and say my piece, which I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to find the words to do. Regardless of what happens next, I’m proud of myself for laying it all out there in a difficult conversation, and not sweeping things under the rug as I have tended to do in the past. Being radically accountable includes being accountable for my own emotions and addressing problems instead of ignoring them. I know I didn’t handle it perfectly, but hey, progress. PROGRESS. And however imperfectly, I still handled it. I handled it instead of ignoring it or letting it fester or making excuses for myself or her.

And then I danced it out at the wedding, which was slightly awkward because it was a small group and, well, I’m a slightly awkward dancer, which is more noticeable when I’m one of like three people dancing. But when I hear a beat, I just gotta move! Much like my kids, who have in the last 3 weeks or so become completely incapable of standing still when they hear a song — any song, even a cell phone ringer. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception even more so, and the music totally danceable. I totally earned my seconds from the delicious buffet.

After the wedding, we caught the tail end of an awesome private mentoring session with two of our favorite long-time Herbalifers and got to hang with our fantastic team, which was exactly the right environment at the right time.

I’m wrapping up with a way-too-late bedtime but a supremely satisfying day that was nutritionally on target and highly productive. My laundry is way behind but other than that I’m mostly on target. Having to be publicly accountable for the stuff I DIDN’T do each night is a big motivator to get through my to-do list, clean out my inbox, and make sure I get in all of my essentials nutrition-wise. Getting it all done means no excuses at the end of the day, which means better sleep (when I’m not emotionally overwrought), which means better days, which means more and more forward momentum. Kinda funny how that works, isn’t it?

On the docket for the weekend:

  • My first mommy-stroller run-walk meetup at 10 a.m. Saturday morning for National Stroller Run Day (#strollerrun14)
  • A sip-and-see baby shower of sorts Saturday afternoon, wherein we drink wine and eat hors d’oeuvres while ooing and ahhing over a friend’s new baby (awesome plan for a second child when you don’t really need anything but everyone wants to meet your little bundle and celebrate with you!)
  • Date night in on Saturday night, courtesy of a Redbox promo code and a Ruby Tuesday coupon
  • My final “long run” of 6 miles before next week’s (!!!) half-marathon
  • A family trip to the Florida aquarium with friends

Follow my #30day journey of #radicalaccountability here at Amateur Parenting and through my nutrition and lifestyle journal on Instagram. Want to join me? Add these hashtags — #30days #radicalaccountability #coachkristen #dayX – to your social media posts and let’s do this together.

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Find me on Instagram as @FLFitMom


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