I’m finally at that point where, when people annoyingly ask me, “Are they sleeping through the night yet?” which at least one person has asked literally every day for the last 15 months, I can actually respond, “Yes!” most of the time. And now I’m sleeping like crap. You know that whole sleep training movement, where you supposedly teach your… Read more »
I am sick and tired of seeing parents around me undermining themselves as parents and then complaining because their kids don’t listen to them. If you tell your child that he or she has to behave because of one of these reasons, YOU’RE CREATING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS: Santa will put you on the naughty list / put coal in your… Read more »
I had my first miscarriage (that I know for sure I was pregnant — I think there was one earlier but I hadn’t tested yet so I can’t confirm) in July 2010. Baby showers were hell that summer. I was 5 weeks along. I bled a lot, which was how I knew something was wrong. Then my second was in… Read more »
I had my first confirmed miscarriage in July 2010. I say “confirmed” because I believe there was one before that, but I hadn’t tested yet and I don’t know for sure. I was devastated. I was lost. And I felt very, very alone. People kept telling me how common miscarriages are, that there would be other babies, that I should… Read more »
Last year, as we adjusted to life with twinfants, our grocery and takeout bills were completely out of control. This year we have a new home in a new state and a new budget to go with it, so what better time to revamp our meal planning approach than right now? Previous spending: I’m too embarrassed to even tell you Current… Read more »