Jake and the minions are holding up well, in large part because we’re bribing our children with chocolate chips (aka, “tock tips!”) to use the potty. Because we are awesome parents who resort to cheap bribery. It seems to be working, so we’ll go with it. I told Jesse that we need to start doing intermittent reinforcement very soon because Miles is already obsessed with needing more TOCK TIPS because his butt touched the potty for a millisecond. I keep trying to explain that he gets it only if pee actually comes out, but we’ll get there.
All I know is that while I’m sitting at my desk, I keep hearing them say, “I think I have to pee!” and then a minute or two later there’s a flush and cheering. This is a good sign.
I stayed up WAY too late last night, was awakened multiple times overnight by kids and dogs, and then decided to blow off my run this morning because I was feeling too tired and stuffy to make the trek over to the park. I feel like a slacker, but I also feel like it was the right way to go because I feel MUCH better tonight than I did this morning, and with my half-marathon coming up ON SUNDAY, I’m trying not to push too hard. I’m about 6 miles behind where I wanted to be at this point in the week, but I figure even with that adrenaline will push me along on Sunday so I’ll be fine. I think. I hope. Right?
Right. Because I’ve been training for this and my body is conditioned and I know what to do and I will be FINE. I just need to focus on hydrating, feeding my body, and resting enough so I can do what I need to do.
Which really, one could say about anything in life, right? Enough water, enough food, and enough rest can solve just about anything. I got this. I can do this. I might be in maintenance mode for a few days, but I’m getting in the basics (even if I fail at Instagramming them for the second day in a row).
Today’s stats:
- Shakes: One down, one to go
- Tablets: Two sets down, one to go, more immunity stuff
- Tea: All. The. Tea.
- Protein: A little low but not bad.
- Carbs: Too. Much. Toast.
- Water: I was too busy guzzling hot tea to drink enough water today. I’m okay with that
- Workouts: Skipped my run, but co-taught an hour-long FitDance class at the park
- Chores: Laundry really is the never-ending story, but otherwise we’re in good shape.
- Sleep: As soon as I take a bath, I am going to BED. And it’s gonna be awesome.
Follow my #30day journey of #radicalaccountability here at Amateur Parenting and through my nutrition and lifestyle journal on Instagram. Want to join me? Add these hashtags — #30days #radicalaccountability #coachkristen #dayX – to your social media posts and let’s do this together.
This is the spot where I would put my day’s Instagram collage…if I had instagramed anything today. Check tomorrow’s post for some latergrams. And you can follow it in real time by visiting me at @FLFitMom.