Category Archives: Parenting

Peeing and Panicking

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I know there are, like, legitimate physiological reasons that pregnant women urinate frequently — like a growing baby pressing against your bladder — but I have another theory. I think peeing hourly in early pregnancy and then again in the third trimester serves a very important preparatory purpose. Think of it as practice for constant diaper changes, including in the… Read more »

101 Ways to Scar Your Child for Life

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Until parenthood becomes a very real part of your future, it’s impossible to fully appreciate the myriad ways moms and dads can screw up their kids. Forget the worry that you won’t know how to change a diaper or will give them the wrong baby food. I’m talking about creating fundamentally flawed individuals who will forever suck at life.

What to Expect Didn’t Prepare Me for This

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When I found out I was pregnant in July, it never crossed my mind that anything would happen other than a blissful gestation with a beautiful baby making his or her debut in mid-March. My expectations changed dramatically when, just a few weeks after that big fat positive, the bleeding started. Five days later, my doctor confirmed a miscarriage.