Category Archives: Parenting

How Parenthood Messes with Your Concept of Time

One of my favorite movie moments ever is Marisa Tomei on the porch of that cabin in the woods in My Cousin Vinny, when she informs Joe Pesci that her “biological clock is tick-tick-ticking.” (If you haven’t seen it, stop being a dork and watch the clip.) When Daddy-in-Training and I started trying to get pregnant 4 years ago, I could… Read more »

Daily Schedule for 5-Month-Old Twins

As a continuation of my earlier post about teaching the boys to sleep, let’s talk about the daily schedule. And I don’t mean routine, in which things happen in the same order, but schedule, in which things happen in the same order at the same times throughout the day every day. I was extremely resistant to this idea until I had two realizations (and… Read more »

How I Learned to Sleep Again, and Taught My Babies, Too

Over the last 4 weeks or so, I’ve become increasingly desperate for three things: More sleep. A predictable daily schedule. Unrestricted access to coffee (see No. 1). It only took about 5 months, but the exhaustion has reached a new level. As Princess Mommy put it on Facebook a few weeks ago, my sleep bank is so overdrawn it should… Read more »


      3 Comments on Flathead

My baby has a flat head. It’s okay — you don’t have to assure me that he’s beautiful. He is beautiful, but also, his head is flat. Both of them are pretty flat-headed, really, but Miles’ head is particularly worrisome and has been increasingly so for months. I asked the pediatrician about it at their 2- and 3-month visits, and… Read more »

Like Speed, but with Babies Instead of a Bomb

That’s the only way I can think to describe the drive to and from New York last week to have Miles’ and Emmett’s tongue and lip ties fixed by Dr. Lawrence Kotlow. I’ll write about the medical stuff later. This post is about how I will never again make a 1000-mile round-trip with two 5-month-old infants in stop-and-go traffic because… Read more »