Category Archives: Parenting

Mythbuster Monday: “You’ll Never Be Able to Shower Again” — 5 Tips for Making Personal Grooming and Parenthood Go Together

Each week in Mythbuster Monday, we tackle some of the crazy and often discouraging stuff people tell parents — especially expectant and new moms. Want to request a post on a specific parenting myth ? Contact us with your idea! When I think about the crazy things friends and strangers alike said to me when I was pregnant with my twins and in… Read more »

Throwdown Thursday: Why I Let My Kids Cry and Why You Should, Too

This post kicks off a new biweekly-ish feature at Amateur Parenting: Throwdown Thursday, wherein we discuss controversial parenting topics. This feature will  alternate more or less with Throwback Thursday, wherein we talk about life before kids or life at earlier stages of parenthood. Have a request for a topic? Contact us with your idea! My twins are 10 months old,… Read more »

Working Mom Wednesday: Can You Really Have It All? And Do You Want To?

This post kicks of a new weekly feature at Amateur Parenting: Working Mom Wednesday. Each week, we’ll discuss another aspect of the challenge and reward of balancing the roles of employee and mommy. Want to request a post on a specific working mom issue? Contact us with your idea! This is a touchy topic, but I’ll be blunt: I think this notion… Read more »

To My Sons After 2 Weeks of Teething Hell

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Dear Miles and Emmett, You are now 42 weeks and 6 days old — almost 10 months since you came out of my belly. These last two weeks, I have wanted to shrink you and put you back in. Between the two of you, you’ve cut or are still cutting nine teeth. Nine. There has been a lot of screaming…. Read more »

Attention New Parents: Your Life Is NOT Over Now that You Have Kids

Why do other parents say so much discouraging crap to new moms and dads? I thought the misery-disguised-as-advice was rampant when I was still pregnant, but I had no idea what was to come once I popped those suckers out. These Debbie Downers were oh-so-uplifting when I was busy attempting to gestate while puking so much I thought I would upchuck… Read more »