(www.meowbarkblog.com) — I have never met an animal that produces such toxic fumes as my three dogs. They are totally flatulence machines! Seriously, I didn’t know it was possible to fart as much as these dogs do.
Ty, the bullmastiff, is the worst. He has a big head and a serious stink butt. Pickles is a close second, exacerbated by the fact that she loves to get under the covers before passing gas, and accompanies every release with an adorable little poot! sound that serves as a warning to those among us who are more observant than the others. And then there’s Murphy, Mr. Silent-But-Deadly, who has been known to wake us with the stench that emanates from his rear end.
They all seem to be in perfect health, except for the fact that they STINK. Is this standard for dogs? I had one growing up, but I don’t recall him being quite this, um, bubbly.
Contents © Copyright 2008 by Kristen King
Tags: meowbarkblog, pug, mastiff, fart, gas, toot, poot, flatulence, stinky, smelly, dogs, kristen king