Especially in a multi-pet-species household, the aloof cat often gets overlooked when it comes to playtime. But in an increasingly traffic-heavy world where more and more cats are being confined to the great indoors at all times, play is critical to your cat’s health.
I loved this article from, which offers some specific ideas for keeping Fluffy physically and psychologically healthy:
Boredom, loneliness, and a lack of challenge can be extremely stressful to cats. The feline by nature is inquisitive, social, and playful, and when their lives become so isolated, without adventures to observe or participate in, and without any trouble to get into or new things in their environment to explore, they can get depressed, and perhaps even feel no sense of purpose to their lives. This of course, can lead them to becoming lethargic and more susceptible to illness.
So, what are the options available for providing more stimulation for your own indoor cat?? The two key words that most feline behaviorists agree upon seem to be: “variety” and “randomness”. Read more >>>
Also worth noting is that there’s a huge body of evidence indicating that cat owners, and pet owners in general, lead longer, healthier lives. Spending time with your cat reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and provides encouraging companionship. When the cat’s not completely ignoring you, that is…
Tags: meow bark blog, cat advice, feline health, playing with your cat,
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