The key is to have an adorable, already well-behaved dog who sweet-talks the in-store dog trainers by showing off her pitiful repertoire of tricks. Then, while they’re cooing over what a good girl she is and how nice it is to see a pug who isn’t obese, and how good the big dog is even though he’s a rescue and doesn’t know any trick other than being huge, ask them for housebreaking tips.
If you’re polite and savvy, you can get a $45 dollar class worth of free advice in less than 10 minutes, and you can snag some treats for your puppy while you’re at it.
Now, to stop Pickles from pooping in the house…
Housebreaking isn’t rocket science. It takes three things.
1. Positive Reinforcement
2. Discipline with Consistency
3. Patience
You have to take your pup out every 2 hours at first. After 14 consecutive days of success, you’ll have instilled the habit into your dog.
any good ideas about how to “reverse” hosebreak an 8 yrar old dog? that is, have moved to apartment and want dog to use garden/patio area, but he seems to think it is part of the living area and thus he won’t go. what to do?
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