Meet Isabel, Female Tuxedo Kitty

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Name: Isabel King

Birthdate: On or around September 25, 2005

Breed: Tuxedo cat

Distinctive feature: Goofball personality

Favorite color: Black, because my white fur shows up best on dark colors

Favorite treat: Anything on Mom and Dad’s plates (when they’re not looking)

Favorite toy: Daddy’s shoes

Favorite pastime: Sneaking drinks from the faucet

Least favorite thing: Coming inside at night. Outside is so much better than inside!

She’s utterly adorable and extremely sweet, but Isabel isn’t exactly a Mensa candidate. When I adopted her from the local PetSmart just before Christmas in 2005, I knew she was the right cat for us because I could hear her purring before I even picked her up. When I held her to my chest, I could barely hold her because she was wiggling so much. She couldn’t wait to smell my face and lick my eyelids, a bizarre habit that woke me up in the middle of the night for the first six months we had her. (I’m still not sure whether she’s stopped or I’ve just learned to sleep through it.)

Isabel is one of those cats who will tear around the house in circles for no reason and then scare the living daylights out of herself when she catches a glimpse of her own reflection while rounding the same corner for the fifth time. She locks herself in cupboards, falls in the toilet, and gets her head stuck anyplace she can stick it. She wrestles with Pickles, our pug, but until last week fled from the bullmastiff, Ty. She hides under the bed when the doorbell rings, but she’ll climb up your leg purring if you just let yourself in.

She frequently forgets where her food is, so when we notice her trying to steal things off of our plates, we have to carry her into the laundry room and remind her to eat. She’s dumb, but we love her.

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